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Maryland Board of Public Works Approves Phase P3 Agreement for Phase 1

Earlier this month, the Maryland Board of Public Works (BPW) approved the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) and the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDOT MDTA) to move forward with Phase 1 of the  Public-Private Partnership (P3) Agreement with Accelerate Maryland Partners LLC (AM Partners) for predevelopment work on the New American Legion Bridge I-270 Traffic Relief Plan.

Phase 1 P3 Agreement

MDOT and the MDTA submitted a proposed P3 Agreement for Phase 1: American Legion Bridge to I-270 Relief Plan to the Comptroller, the State Treasurer, the Budget Committees, and the Department of Legislative Services for review prior to seeking approval from the Maryland Board of Public Works.

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Preserving and Protecting Moses Hall Cemetery

As part of the American Legion Bridge I-270 to I-370 improvements, the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) is taking steps to improve travel in the National Capital Region, while taking considerable care to protect the significant historic and environmental resources within the area.

Phase 1 Selected Developer

On February 18, 2021, the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) announced that Accelerate Maryland Partners, LLC has been selected to lead predevelopment work on Phase 1: The American Legion Bridge I-270 to I-70 Relief Plan.

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MDOT Recommended Preferred Alternative

After thorough review of currently available information, including the detailed traffic analysis, environmental analysis, financial analysis, and capital costs, and input from the public and resource and regulatory agencies, MDOT SHA recommends that Alternative 9 be identified as the Preferred Alternative (MDOT RPA) in the FEIS for the I-495 & I-270 Managed Lanes Study (MLS).

View the MDOT RPA