Slide One


I-495 & I-270 Managed Lanes Study


As part of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process, a Preliminary Range of Alternatives was developed based on previous studies and planning documents, proposed engineering improvements, and input from Federal, State, and local regulatory agencies, as well as public comments. A total of fifteen alternatives were identified, including the No Build Alternative. Screening criteria related to the Study’s purpose and need were used to evaluate and refine the fifteen Preliminary Range of Alternatives to seven Screened Alternatives. Following the completion of additional traffic, and financial and environmental analyses, MDOT SHA determined that five Screened Alternatives met the Study’s Purpose and Need; therefore, six alternatives, including the No Build alternative, were recommended to be carried forward as the Alternatives Retained for Detailed Study (ARDS) for detailed analysis in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and were presented at the Spring 2019 Public Workshops. After the ARDS were concurred upon, continued engineering, traffic, financial, and environmental analyses, including further avoidance and minimization efforts, were completed and one additional alternative was evaluated (Alternative 9M). Aside from the No Build Alternative, the alternatives retained for evaluation in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) were referred to as the Build Alternatives.

After thorough review of currently available information, including the detailed traffic analysis, environmental analysis, financial analysis, and capital costs, and input from the public and resource and regulatory agencies, MDOT recommended that Alternative 9 be identified as the Preferred Alternative in the FEIS for the I-495 & I-270 Managed Lanes Study (MLS).