Opportunity MDOT Events
Op Lanes Maryland Phase 1 Pre-Development Networking with the Shortlisted Proposers
The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) hosted a virtual Networking event with the four Shortlisted Proposers for Phase 1 of Op Lanes Maryland and MDOT Certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs). The focus of this networking event was on professional services contracting opportunities related to Predevelopment Work on Phase 1 of Op Lanes Maryland (e.g., engineering design, environmental engineering, engineering data collection/testing, legal services, accounting services, banking, insurance, etc.) and to assist in connecting Shortlisted Proposers with the DBE community.
MDOT SHA shared a brief update on the Phase 1 Solicitation/Op Lanes Maryland and each of the Shortlisted Proposers provided an introduction to their teams that is available for viewing here.
Check back here for upcoming events!
Get Started Now
Small, minority-, women- and veteran-owned businesses and disadvantaged businesses are strongly encouraged to obtain MDOT certifications now. This will prepare your business to participate in Op Lanes Maryland if a build alternative is selected as part of the Managed Lanes Study under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process.
To learn more about Opportunity MDOT:
Register – With Opportunity MDOT
Email – oplanesopportunityMDOT@mdot.maryland.gov
Call – Toll-Free: (855) 223-1251 | Local: (410) 514-6441
Past Events
Teaming & Partnering Workshop
When: Thursday, December 5, 2019
9 a.m. – 12 p.m. (registration begins at 8:30 a.m.)
Where: College Park Marriot Hotel & Conference Center
3501 University Blvd. E, Hyattsville, MD 20783
The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) is hosting a free Opportunity MDOT Teaming & Partnering Workshop for small, minority-, women- and veteran-owned businesses and disadvantaged businesses interested in Op Lanes Maryland.
This is your OPPORTUNITY to engage prime contractors and get expert advice on how to prepare your business for potential work on the nation’s largest highway P3 Program. Panelists will share insights on business operations and what they look for in subcontractors.
Opportunity MDOT Kick-Off Workshop
Opportunity MDOT hosted a Kick-Off Workshop for business owners on Thursday, August 1, 2019 at the Adele H. Stamp Student Union on the University of Maryland College Park campus. Attendees learned what steps they should take so they're prepared for upcoming opportunities related to MDOT’s Op Lanes Maryland (if a build alternative is selected).